Friday, 22 November 2013


As soon as I saw the theme for this weeks Aussie Curves theme, I knew I didn't need to put much effort in... Black and White is basically my wardrobe (with a few bits of colour thrown in).

Here are a few of my Black & White outfits that I wore as part of the Shop What You Got challenge (you can see my daily outfits on Instagram @hanketteblog)

I adore Black & White so much, it was the colour scheme for our wedding last year...

To further examplify my love of B&W... our lounge room is black and white accented, we had one black and one white dog (RIP deafy!), my car is black and hubbies is white. Okay, maybe I am a little obsessed!!!

Check out the other curvettes Black & White outfits...

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Post Natal Depression, it isn’t always black and white.
Trust me; I learnt that the hard way. 

Whenever I hear of a friend giving birth, my heart hurts thinking of all the emotions they may face. My first thought is to message them and let them know that I am here for them, and that no matter what they may feel over the next few days, weeks or months, that things will get better.
I realise this isn’t the most “normal” response to such news, but it always brings back memories of what I like to call The Best and Worst Week of my Life.

I am referring to the birth of my son. 9 weeks early. Grossly underweight (weighing 1.28kg // 2.8pound). At a hospital 3 hours away from home. Completely on my own.

The first 48 were a blur. My husband (and a few visitors) arrived and left again. I was stuck in a maternity ward, watching other new mum’s nurse, bathe and hold their babies.

While my son battled to breathe and grow, I physically battled to overcome pre eclampsia, high blood pressure whilst recovering from a c section. Mentally was even worse. I just wanted things to go back to how they were a week ago. I wanted to be back in Sydney, I wanted to still be pregnant. I couldn’t see past those hospital walls. It felt like I would be there forever. Eventually, I didn’t even want to go to the NICU to see my baby. And when I did, I would be in tears, begging the nurses to find a NICU bed in Sydney so we could both be closer to home. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep… I couldn’t do anything but cry.
Eventually the doctors asked my husband to take leave (without pay) from work and come and stay with me. He slept on a hospital floor for 4 nights... Slowly my blood pressure went down and my head was clearer. The day before I was discharged, I made the hardest decision I’ve ever made – to go back to Sydney with my husband and leave my baby. (My dad was going to drive me the 6 hour round trip every day to see my son and deliver my milk to him) I know I was judged on this decision, and I am sure some of you reading this will be judging me now, but it was the only way I was going to get better, emotionally. If you’ve ever felt like ‘the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders’, you will know how I felt once I made that decision. I knew I would be OK once I was home.

Fate played its part, and by the time I arrived back in Sydney, the hospital called to say my son was being transferred to our local hospital by the NETS team that afternoon. He stayed in that hospital for another 5 weeks, and although I had my good and bad days, I was OK.
I was thankful that by the time I came home, I was in a much better mental state, and could handle having my son in the special care nursery. I am actually grateful for it because I learnt so much from the wonderful nurses, and because of my struggles early on, I really appreciated the time I got to spend with him every day.

But I am scared to think of how bad things could’ve been, if I had been stuck away from home for much longer. Please, if you are feeling emotionally unwell after giving birth (even months down the track), talk to someone, or contact PANDA or their National Depression Helpline on 1300 726 306
Novemeber 17 - 23 is PND (Perinatal Depression) Awareness Week. You can join the discussion on twitter, facebook or Instagram using the #bePNDaware and putting a black and white filter on your photos on November 20




Saturday, 16 November 2013


This weeks challenge from Aussie Curves is swimwear! And my, oh my... Isn't this what the "Aussie Curves" movement is all about?

This week has been truly crazy... And has made me realise that we should love our bodies, regardless of what they look like. It doesn't matter if you a slim, fat, toned or thick... What matters is that you are healthy. 

For that reason I didn't want to miss out on this weeks challenge. 

As a kid, I loved the water and especially the beach. Then I hit those awkward teenage years where you become unsure of yourself and don't want to be the "fat" girl at the beach (I wish I was that "fat" now!!!)
I can't tell you at exactly what moment I though "fuck it" but once I was around 18 years old I started wearing two piece swimmers again, and never looked back. 

For me, wearing board shorts was never comfortable, neither was wearing a one piece. 

I could point out a million things I see wrong with my body, and I'm sure you could as well, but in all honestly... NO ONE CARES! (And anyone who does, only does so to make themselves feel better). 

I love nothing more than seeing "bigger" girls at the beach or pool being carefree! Enjoying the sun and water. I prefer to see that, than a woman looking so uncomfortable in her layers of clothes, and too embarrassed to join in on the fun! 
Top from ASOS and bottoms from Kmart.

Yes, this is me, being a big kid and playing under the sprinkler! 

I hope these brave, lovely ladies below have, or will, inspire you to NOT GIVE A F*CK next time you go to the beach, or pool! 

Friday, 8 November 2013


It has been 7 days since we started iCurvy's  "Shop What You Got" challenge and the first week has been fairly easy (as expected)

This past week has been hectic in a general sense, so my outfits were kept pretty simple and somewhat boring. I think this weekend I am going to make an effort to plan more of next weeks outfit.

Tuesday was Melbourne Cup day and I wore a dress that I picked up on the weekend (and that filled my number 30 spot on the list "To Be Purchased"). I was so unsure about the shift dress, but I have received so many compliments about it.

L-R Day 1, Day 2 part one, Day 2 part two, Day 3

L-R Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7

My ASOS order was an epic fail (I returned 3 of the 4 items) so I updated my list with a few substitutions.

One thing I've noticed from following #shopwhatyougot on Instagram is that my outfits are so basic compared to some of the ladies participating. I feel as if it may look like I've just chosen basic pieces just to make it easy to match, but in all honestly, this is the general look of my everyday style. I don't own nearly as many clothes as I once did - so I stick to basic items that I can mix and match.

You can follow my daily outfit posts (including where items are from) on Instagram @hanketteblog

Let me know if you are joining in on the challenge

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Happy Melbourne Cup day! I thought today was an appropriate day to post this weeks Aussie Curves challenge - Races!

While I am not actually going to the races anytime soon, I did dress up for work today in celebration of cup day, wearing my new dress that I bought on the weekend (thanks to all my IG friends giving my change room snap shot the thumbs up)

Dress: Target
Wedges: Target
Bag: Kmart
Flower: Lincraft
I used to LOVE going to the races, back in the day! I've had some hit and miss outfits, that is for sure. One thing I have always been consistent with is my lack of headwear. Honestly, facinators and big hats just don't do it for me.
I usually either wear a simple headband and big hair (unfortunately this was usually matched with an organe tan!), a simple flower or clip, some killer earrings to still draw attention away from my boobs to my head, or a fancy braid.
Here are some of my good (and one particular not so good) Races outfits over the years... I wish I could find photos of some of my other races outfits. Some of these outfits I would never be caught dead in... but they have all come with many memories, and some race meets I can't remember, so I wouldn't change them for the world.

Good luck on the race today, and to all the Aussie Curves ladies going to the races on Thursday - enjoy! I'll be stuck at work, just around the corner :(


Monday, 4 November 2013


Congratulations to the winner of our Mira's Hand Giveaway winner;

@kimbalikes via Instagram.

Thanks to everyone who entered, and remember you can still get 20% off all products at Mira's Hand using the code "Hankette"