Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Happy Melbourne Cup day! I thought today was an appropriate day to post this weeks Aussie Curves challenge - Races!

While I am not actually going to the races anytime soon, I did dress up for work today in celebration of cup day, wearing my new dress that I bought on the weekend (thanks to all my IG friends giving my change room snap shot the thumbs up)

Dress: Target
Wedges: Target
Bag: Kmart
Flower: Lincraft
I used to LOVE going to the races, back in the day! I've had some hit and miss outfits, that is for sure. One thing I have always been consistent with is my lack of headwear. Honestly, facinators and big hats just don't do it for me.
I usually either wear a simple headband and big hair (unfortunately this was usually matched with an organe tan!), a simple flower or clip, some killer earrings to still draw attention away from my boobs to my head, or a fancy braid.
Here are some of my good (and one particular not so good) Races outfits over the years... I wish I could find photos of some of my other races outfits. Some of these outfits I would never be caught dead in... but they have all come with many memories, and some race meets I can't remember, so I wouldn't change them for the world.

Good luck on the race today, and to all the Aussie Curves ladies going to the races on Thursday - enjoy! I'll be stuck at work, just around the corner :(



  1. you look gorgeous, love this outfit!

  2. This dress is perfect on you Karina!!

  3. Thank you. Isn't it funny how a dress I normally wouldn't pick, turns out to be a winner!

  4. love your hair in this and the flower is cute!

  5. Gorgeous. And I love the recount of sins of races past. SO fun. I love race days, the outfits and orangeness is half the fun. Haha.
